Best Xmas present ever.. 😢

So I woke up today to see that my ‘crush’, hated me.

*quick backstory*

I broke up with my bf (Jacob), a few months ago, and (let’s just call him Ben) were getting rlly close, we f*cked one night, and only recently (a week after we f*cked) he’s stopped talking to me. It rlly freaked me out. So I was sorta annoying him, bc I kept getting left on read and needed to talk to him. I asked him if he wanted to come to a New Years party with me, and he said maybe. So I said “if not we could do something else maybe?”. A few mins later he said “no I have other plans with mates”. Sorta annoyed me that he didn’t just say it straight up, but whatever. So I said “that’s okay, just should tell me that before so I wouldn’t try planning anything”. (Something like that). Then I told him that I was going to bed and said goodnight. He then responded with this:

Also I gave him $100 before so he could pay his rent. I wasn’t nagging him to give it back to me, which is a surprise since he hasn’t paid me and I lended it to him 3 months ago.

Just thought you guys could help me out a bit. Kinda sucks.