Please tell me what you’d do

I just found out I’m pregnant. I love my bf immensely and we have wanted to have children together however this is not the ideal situation. I had an IUD. We are late 20s and have been together 3 years (known each other for longer). When we are good we are soooo good. But he had major communication problems. When any little issues arises, he completely shuts down. When I need emotional support, he shuts down as he takes it personally that it was something he did wrong (which isn’t always the case). We don’t fight often and normally are absolutely perfect but it really concerns me that if any little issue comes up he shuts down and refuses to discuss it then later apologizes and sweeps it under rug. I try to bring it up to discuss solutions so it doesn’t happen again and he refuses to rehash it. I do everything for this man. Cook, clean, emotional support, you name it. I already have two toddlers from my ex husband and my bf is great to them but is he really ready to be a full time day? I know having kids and especially a newborn can be stressful and I worry I will have no support. I am really considering doing something I have never ever wanted to do. Please be kind