How to meet partners love language needs?



I need some help with ideas and ways I can try to meet my partners needs of affection consistently. I know that probably sounds awful, but we have completely different love language. His is physical touch mostly and quality time. Mine are acts of service and gifts. I feel I met his quality time needs well. So that’s not the issue. But he needs lots of physical affection and I don’t really need much personal affection and touch, so I honestly forget about it. He’s spoken to me multiple times expressing how he sometimes feels, that he doesn’t feel cared for someone or desired etc, and I feel so fucking Bc it’s like I forget, Bc it’s not in the forefront of my mind and I often show my love in my own love language. Not helpful lol. But I know I need to make this a priority. ASAP. But I need some tips on how to do this. We recently had a baby which makes this even more difficult. I can often feel “touched out” being that I breastfeed and hold a baby all day. But his needs are important to me, Bc he meets mine pretty consistently. I appreciate any help!!