Help pls: Breastfeeding


Baby girl was born Thursday morning and has been a pretty great feeder from our first session at 15 minutes post delivery. Our only issue is she gets super angry at the get go but usually latches quick and settles down. This morning I made the (maybe) mistake of giving her a pacifier. We noticed that unless she was eating, being held, or sleeping (while being held) she’d immediately spaz out. Paci was magic and she spent time in her swing, on her pillow and being alert with us. Coincidentally or not I haven’t had a successful feed since 8am today prior to paci intro. I finally got 15 minutes out of her late this afternoon. My milk also came in today and my breasts are rock hard. I tried a warm shower and hand expressing. Any advice? I’m thinking I’ll ice and pump just prior to next feed to hopefully soften things up a bit. FTM obviously.