A little encouragement for going into the new year with.


Hey ladies I wanted to share my story with you to encourage others that may have had not the best success yet. You may even be thinking about giving up but please don’t! It would be so worth in the end........ I have 2 daughters 13 & 14 from a previous relationship, my husband and I have been married 11 years now. We have no living children together, we had 2 ectopics 2013 and 2018. After the last ectopic I was terrified to get pregnant again because the what if, so I introduced the idea of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> to my husband and he was on board. We started the appointments and test in March of 2019 and started the process in the summer of 2019. Ladies we’ve been through a heck of a lot we done 2 retrievals, 14 made it to freeze we thought we had more than enough. Well we didn’t test those embryos because of age. Transferred 2 every time (for 3 transfers) and got pregnant. 1st was a low beta miscarried at 5 1/2 weeks measured a week behind. 2nd got pregnant with twins found out at our 7 1/2 week appointment that we had miscarried a week ago, had a d&c and tested the embryos and one was abnormal and the other normal. 3rd we had a car wreck someone hit me on the drivers side and had a miscarriage at 5 1/2 weeks the day after the car wreck. We decided to unfreeze the rest of our embryos (8) and and test them, 3 were normal. We had already transferred our best quality so these were medium to low grade anyway. Transferred them and neither transfer took we figured it was and embryo thing or I was broken at this point😑🥴. 2nd retrieval October 2020 collected 33 eggs again, 24 made it to freeze, tested 18. We have 12 normal, 2 mosaic, 4 abnormal and we have the 6 untested. We just transferred 2 because of everything we have been through and are pregnant 6 weeks and 6 days today. I said all this to say ladies if this is your dream, don’t give up!

This was from our appointment 6w5d they both have heartbeats that were able to be measured and they were very happy about. This appointment was our sigh of relief after holding our breath for years!💜 Don’t give up ladies!