01/04 Daily Check In


Hi everyone,

I haven’t seen a check in for today so I thought I’d give it a try.

How’s everyone doing?

Anyone in the TWW or getting ready for their transfer?

I’m on day 10 of stims today. The technician thinks that they will have me trigger either tomorrow or Wednesday. I’m starting to get a little nervous as this will be my first egg retrieval.

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Posted at
Hi Kristin! Thanks for kicking us off and best of luck with your egg retrieval! I’m sure you’ll do great! I felt a huge relief after my egg retrieval was over because I felt like my eggs were finally safe and I could actually relax! Hopefully you can find peace soon as well.I’ve been in these monthly groups since January 2020, so I’m coming up on my 1 year IVF anniversary! I did my first egg retrieval in March after several delays (thank you giant cyst!🙃), then my transfer in August, which is now my 23w old bump! There are several women in this group that I’ve been rooting for and following for months, so I’m always here in the background praying, but rarely doing check ins anymore unless something scary or wonderful happens. I have an OB appointment on Wednesday, then my 28-week ultrasound in a little over 4 weeks to check on a few issues I’ve been dealing with. IVF is a stressful, emotional, draining ride, but unfortunately the stress never ends even when you get pregnant. I hope all of you ladies had a wonderful holiday and that 2021 brings miracles for all of us ❤️


Mi • Jan 5, 2021
Wow you are almost to your 3rd trimester! So glad every thing is going well Mama!


Re • Jan 5, 2021
That’s awesome! Let us know how the appt goes 💜


Sa • Jan 4, 2021
Thanks for the update Mama, glad it’s still going well and hoping that continues!!!


Posted at
How exciting that it is almost time for your egg retrieval! Mine feels like yesterday and here I am in the TWW. Hoping for the best for you!I am 7dp5dt (fresh transfer) and although I have been testing since the day after the transfer, today was my first no doubt about it bfp 😭😭😭 I feel like I am more anxious now that I know it’s working, because now I have so much more hope and something to lose. Still a little traumatized from my 10 week miscarriage in April, but it feels good to have some good news right now!!


Kelsey • Jan 5, 2021
Thank you!! I still can’t believe it!


Lacey • Jan 5, 2021
Yay I’m so happy you got your positive!! 🎉


Ashley • Jan 5, 2021
Yay! Congratulations!!!


Posted at
Hi Everyone— I’m on my Estrogen patches in preparation for my FET which will be in late Jan! Best wishes to everyone on the journey!


Posted at
So happy to hear about your progress! Are you doing a fresh or frozen transfer? Today was my first beta blood test, impatiently waiting for the nurses to call me with my numbers. Praying for high numbers!! Hope y’all are doing well ❤️


Ty • Jan 5, 2021
It’s a lot of waiting and hoping! Keep us updated on you!


Re • Jan 5, 2021
Oh goodness!!! That’s so awesome


Miss Melissa • Jan 4, 2021
Good luck mama!!! Praying for you!!!!


Posted at
Hi Kristin, that’s exciting. Hope all goes well for you and you get lots of good eggies. I haven’t got any updates still, still waiting for my period following my miscarriage in early December. Any of you lovely ladies that had miscarriage before, how long did you have to wait for your first period to arrive? I still have lots of pregnancy symptoms as well and wondering when will they go away? Anyway I’m just here to say good luck to everybody and I’m always keeping my fingers crossed for all of you ladies ❤️❤️❤️


Karolina • Jan 5, 2021
Thank you so much lovely ❤️


Be • Jan 5, 2021
I think it was a little over a month... Wishing the best for you🙏


Miss Melissa • Jan 4, 2021
Can’t believe you are still having symptoms! This is going to be your year lady!!! And I can’t wait to e there when it happens! 💖💖💖


Posted at
Hi Kristen- and to all the other ladies! Congrats on almost being done with stims! It feels like you were just posting about starting them like yesterday! It moves so quickly- and soon- you will be in and out of egg retrieval! Do you plan on doing a fresh or frozen?I am struggling on my end- the nausea has now hit full time 24/7, I love my husband to death but honestly- even he annoys me now.... I’m an essential worker and I literally am slumped over my desk ready to either pass out or vomit... and I’m too early to tell anyone or my boss... I feel like a legit black cloud- I really hate to sit here and even complain since it took us over a year in fertility treatments to get here- but my god!!!! I totally feel 100% not myself, kinda like walking around in a daze with no emotion... god please tell me it gets better.....Thanks for hearing me vent... I hope everyone is have a great start to the new year!!! 💖💖💖💖


Ashley • Jan 5, 2021
I hope you feel better! I can’t stand the nausea!


Miss Melissa • Jan 4, 2021
Thanks Mama for the advice.... def makes me feel better... omg- I have Hesse some women getting turned off by the smell of their SO! I hope it doesn’t get to that point! I’m glad you are feeling back to yourself!!! I hope I can say the same as you in 5 weeks!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Miss Melissa • Jan 4, 2021
Thanks Gemma! I’m trying!!! These babies are kicking my butt!!


Posted at
Good luck!! That's so exciting! I have an US to check my uterine lining and then an ERA next Monday. Progesterone shots start Wednesday! 🍀🍀


JL • Jan 4, 2021
Yay! Its going to fly by! I can't wait to hear how the results from your ERA come back!


Morgan • Jan 4, 2021
Yes! There's a bleed after and then I start the transfer protocol! 🙏


Ge • Jan 4, 2021
Good luck for your ERA!


Posted at
Good luck with your egg retrieval!! I had my baseline this morning and started estrogen tonight for FET #2.... So emotional... I was hoping I’d start feeling better after my period but I’m still pretty emotional and crying all the time. So out of character for me. That’s pretty much it for now.


Posted at
Youre so close to the end kristin!I start stims tonight for my 3rd retrieval. They are having me take 2 powders menopur and gonal f 300. Which is the same dose I was on for my first retrieval. We had lowered my dose for the 2nd retrieval bc I produced too many follicles and ended up with no embryos. But the nurse said that since I've been on lupron and will continue on it, i shouldn't have the same reaction. They are also having me come in after 3 nights instead of 4 for the first check to monitor me more closely.I was not all that excited for this retrieval to begin with and I just fear well have the same result.


Sa • Jan 4, 2021
Hoping the dr is right about the lupron- praying this will be it for you!!!


Miss Melissa • Jan 4, 2021
Stay strong and positive lady... I went into my 3rd retrieval feeling the same way as you... no expectations. Crazy because it was the cycle that I had the worst response on but it was the one that worked!!! God works in mysterious ways!


Posted at
You’re almost there, Kristen!! It must feel great being close to trigger :) keep us posted! I actually loooove getting sedated for egg retrieval (feels like the best sleep ever lol). As for me, i am in my TWW. Today i am 7DP5DT. I keep getting faint positive tests but it’s only gotten very slightly darker today. 😩 I’m trying to keep it together and not overthink it! I’m back at work now post holiday so it’s a welcome distraction!


Miss Melissa • Jan 4, 2021
Fingers crossed for you!!!🤞🏼🙏🏻🤞🏼😁


Sa • Jan 4, 2021
Yay, fingers crossed!!!