Hi Kristin! Thanks for kicking us off and best of luck with your egg retrieval! I’m sure you’ll do great! I felt a huge relief after my egg retrieval was over because I felt like my eggs were finally safe and I could actually relax! Hopefully you can find peace soon as well.I’ve been in these monthly groups since January 2020, so I’m coming up on my 1 year IVF anniversary! I did my first egg retrieval in March after several delays (thank you giant cyst!🙃), then my transfer in August, which is now my 23w old bump! There are several women in this group that I’ve been rooting for and following for months, so I’m always here in the background praying, but rarely doing check ins anymore unless something scary or wonderful happens. I have an OB appointment on Wednesday, then my 28-week ultrasound in a little over 4 weeks to check on a few issues I’ve been dealing with. IVF is a stressful, emotional, draining ride, but unfortunately the stress never ends even when you get pregnant. I hope all of you ladies had a wonderful holiday and that 2021 brings miracles for all of us ❤️