They just sh*** on everything I believe in

So today, out of all days, my family thought it would be completely acceptable to shit on my dreams. I have always always always wanted to give back. I always said that when I became older (I'm 17 right now.) and had my career I would go to other countries and help out. I've always admired the charity work Angelina Jolie did and I know some one who was recently in Haiti to deliver food and fed over 225 families and I just thought it was so touching. They've always known that that's something I've wanted to do and they just tore me down in every way possible. First off I was asking about the peace corps in an innocent way. (I hadn't done much research I didn't know really anything about them but I knew that they were into helping and stuff.) and they basically told me it was something I couldn't handle. And then they continued to shit on this ambition by saying that it was something I couldn't do. And then my dad said, "you don't need to go over there. People are so focused on other countries they don't bother helping the poverty here." (Those weren't his exact words it was something along those lines.) and I said "okay but the point of me doing this is to go to the other countries." And another family member was like "so it's for selfish reasons?" At that point all of my words were jumbled up and I locked myself in my room because everyone was ganging up on me. What I had wanted to say was" I wouldn't be going there on vacation but to make a difference in others lives. And I think it's important for me to venture out into the real world and see these things that some look past for myself and help in anyway possible." I of course didn't say that because I was to upset they always do this to me and this is so important to me. I don't know why it's just something I've always wanted and felt like I needed to do and every single member of my family took their turns taking a ginormous shit on the whole thing....Uhg😒