

Is anyone else anxious about the timing of their rainbow baby? I miscarried my second baby (I have one healthy 3 year old son) in September at 6w3d just a few weeks after my 29-year-old best friend and her unborn baby (she was 9 months pregnant) passed away unexpectedly.

I had a D&C the first week in October and have just started my second period since so I can start tracking my cycles now. I am so excited to start trying to get pregnant again, but based on my estimated fertile days, if I start trying now and conceive during December I could have due dates in August or September. September is a month of loss for me and I'm worried about having a baby then, but I'm also just so anxious to be pregnant again as I feel so empty after the miscarriage. My son's birthday is in August and I don't want him to have to share his birth month with a sibling.

I guess my question is, is anyone else ttc with a certain birth month in mind? Does this sound totally crazy?