Man child husband

I'm feeling so down this morning. My husband travels for work most of the time and then acts like hes on vacation when hes home. Getting him to help with stuff is like pulling teeth and recently hes begun talking down to me when I get angry about his actions. I have to pretty much drag him out of the bed in the mornings while I get our 3 kids and myself ready. I work from home and watch the kids and it's just all getting exhausting. This morning we started arguing about a home project that I've been taking care of myself because he didnt feel like doing it. In our master bedroom there was ugly tan chair rail up and it was a major eye sore. This morning I told him that he should be helping and he said that he hadnt even wanted to start the project because he dowsnt even spend that much time in the bedroom and he hadnt wanted to start a project right after the holidays because it was expensive. I said its 20 dollars for a thing of spackle which he replied "no its expensive to get someone to come repair your patch work." This comment really hurt because I was really proud of the work I had done so far. I had taken off all the chair rail and taken it outside by myself and have gotten 2 walls speckled. I'm just really hurting now and trying not to cry since I need to work and watch the kids and he went off to work after sarcastly saying "this was great like usual" in regards to the arguing.