Did I ovulate ??


Okay so long story short..

I haven’t had a regular period since I had my first ever period when I was a child (13 years old) . Well eventually I got fed up with not getting answers to why I was having irregular bleeding and couldn’t stop it naturally without birth control!

Finally my obgyn did ultrasounds and labs. Confirmed that I have PCOS. She told me I was basically insulin resistant. She was trying to prescribe me metformin to go on a low carb diet.

I went on a low carb, no dairy, low sugar diet for a whole week and lost 10 lbs. Lightened up my period. I am going little over a month on my period and I stopped two times and about 2 hours later I started again but this time with pink watery discharge for a whole week and low cervix. My doctor told me that it could be ovulation but more likely it was my hormones regulating that I should loose another 15lbs and everything should equal out.

Well I was taking ovulation tests.. I was close

to ovulation and all of a sudden got red blood like I got another period and all the ovulation tests are predicting that my ovulation isnt close at all.

Could I have ovulated ?? I have never had pink watery discharge before !!

I am so confused ! 😂