3 week old (BF and formula fed) poop look normal??

Yesterday we went to the pediatrician for a checkup; and the nurse was concerned that my baby’s poop was runny. I’m a second time mom and his poop seems normal to me. She asked me to save the diaper to show the doctor.

At first the doctor wasn’t concerned and said “that isn’t watery poop... it’s fine”; and then when I told her that the nurse insisted on me showing her, she then said “well then just start him on soy formula”. This seemed like a drastic decision to me seeing how he is gaining weight just fine; and he isn’t showing any signs of irritability or dehydration.... and she wasn’t concerned when first seeing it 🤨. The color is normal too. I expressed to her that I didn’t want to just jump to soy if it could be something in my diet that could be modified; and she said to hold BF for two days, stick to just his regular formula (enfamil enspire gentlease) and see if that worked. If not, then we could try to switch to soy.

Im not asking for medical advice... just wanting to know how other babies’ poops are compared to his. I think she made the call more as a ‘peace of mind’ move than an actual concern; especially since she is not pushing the soy immediately and allowing us to give it a few more days to see.

If I have to change his formula, I will... but I want to be sure that he REALLY needs the soy one before making such a drastic change. I don’t want to make the change just because of runny poop when he is just fine in every other way (gaining weight, happy baby, etc).

First pic is breastmilk and formula feedings:

Second pic is just formula (today) feedings as she said to try: