Covid and quarantine with my little man


So this week I tested positive for "the vid" and luckily the only symptom i'm experiencing is loss of taste and smell and a little bit of a dry cough. It SUCKS not being able to taste 😅 literally im eating because I know I have to...but it sure is making eating healthy a lot easier! Hoping maybe I'll lose some of this stubborn baby weight haha. My 8 month old son and I are on quarantine and luckily he is showing no symptoms. Though I think he is super bored of me at this point. He normally goes to daycare and he loves it so being stuck at home with me isn't a good time haha I am running out of ways to entertain him. I'm doing my best to keep my distance from him just in case so play time with him is limited and I'm wearing a mask when I have to be close to him though im certain he's already been exposed but im just being cautious anyway.

I didn't have any questions im just super bored at this point 😂