Bad mom day

Today I sucked as a mom. My son woke up at the ass crack of dawn and I was tired so I let him play while I slept.. he didn’t get breakfast until 830 AM... after breakfast I let him watch too much tv cause I worked all week and wanted to look pretty today.. lunch was a can of spaghetti.. so was dinner because he wouldn’t eat what I made. He didn’t nap today.. at bed time he refused to sleep. I layed him down at 7.. he fell asleep at 8:50. I cried while he cried because I don’t feel like I’m a good mom.. I didn’t try teaching him anything today, I didn’t take him outside for fresh air. I did the bare minimum. Except when I played with him no matter how much I sucked he laughed, he hugged me, he enjoys my company and I sucked today but he still loves me. I pray I’m a better mom tomorrow. Actually I will be.