I freaking hate Facebook


Some girl posted on a female group a pic of a wedding dress that she may or may not get. The lady said that she liked it but wasn't sure so she asked for opinions on the dress. I commented and said that the dress is beautiful but if she has to ask if its the right one then its not the right one. I also said that the second I looked at myself in the mirror with my dress I fell in love. Some bitch replied to my comment saying "so are you fucking dumb or are you fucking stupid" with a dumb and dumber gif. I was definitely confused on why she posted such a hostle comment cause I was super polite and supportive. I commented back word for word "This lady clearly said she wasn't sure on the dress so its pretty obvious that you are the d**b one in this equation especially since you wanna comment something so hateful🧐". I starred out "dumb" so I wouldn't get Facebook banned. Now im Facebook banned for 30 DAYS because of it!!! While this 19 year old little bitch didn't get banned at all and keeps commented on that status calling me a bunch of other names but yet IM banned.... What in the actual fuck. This is ridiculous. I literally run a freaking business through Facebook 😡😡😡😡😡 How am I supposed to operate a business if 40% of my clientele is on that app. I never fb argue BECAUSE of not wanting to get banned. I got banned for 7 days last month for something I commented on my friends post from 2017. 2017!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is getting out of control. We all really need to start putting our foot down. If we arent gonna be able to use our first ammendment right then whats the point in the having it 😡😡