Need advice.. What if she was your Mom..


This will be long and i just need to get it out. Any help would be great. Im 24 and mom is 60 right now.

The dad passed away August 2018. It was unexpected. He had an infection from a wood tick and from having cancer and every medical issue there is, he couldnt fight it and went within a day. It was awful. Anyways, mom and I were very supportive of each other. Im the only child and was always close to my parents.

Then mom decided she wanted to get out and start dating. Hey thats amazing cuz why should she be alive, ya know?! I have nothing against her dating, i want her to have someone. Well she had some losers that were just whatever. Then found one guy and it got a lil serious. My bf and I were not fond of him but hey mom was happy!

The issue besides the guy himself was how mom acted. She became totally centered around this guy and only him mattered. I couldnt even talk to her without her changing the subject to talk about him or look at her phone and totally ignore me. Like a teenager honestly. I barely ever ask my mom for anything so when i do its minor, like can you check on the cat because were gonna be gone all day and night type of thing. We live 10 minutes away. And shed get all huffy cuz she had plans with her guy, ok whatever its fine forget it. One day my eye was swelled up and i couldnt see. I asked if she could drive me to the eye dr and her excuse was oh sorry me and him are going to the mall so i cant. So i drove myself. Whatever.

Well she finally broke up with his dude cuz she realized how much of an ass he was. And i told her how i felt and i was like please dont act like that again. You made me feel like i lost a mom. And i know i didnt explain everything but theres just so much.

So time goes on, dates a few more duds. Now she says shes been talking to a guy she dated in high school. Aw how cute?! Now she starts her shit. NYE was their first date (2 days after the last guy blew her off) then one day i get a text asking what i pay for rent and what my bf pays. Like idk we just do half. She flips out on me and goes you know god damn well what you and him pay each other. Yea and its not your business. Few days later she lets it slip that he is moving in with her!!!

Side note here: every single guy she sees before its even serious she will give them the code to her house and lets them be there alone!!!! Okay so thats like bad news waiting to happen.

So this new guy is still married, no court files for divorced have been filed. His wife was on home care like 6/8 months. He is moving all of his stuff into moms house. He has a bad wrap with money and many many court records of it. I just have such an awful feeling and i cant shake it.

I cant say anything to her because she instantly gets bitchy. Everytime she has a friend its the same shit. She wont talk to me and when she does she just wants to pry out info. When i try talking to her shell just ignore me.

I want her happy. I want her with someone. But what the fuck is going on!! Is it me??? Am i being crazy?? My boyfriends mom is more of mom to me than my own.. i can actually talk to her and spend time with her. She doesnt blow me off.