Need help with really low milk supply


I’m a first-time mom. I tried breastfeeding but due to issues with latching I switched to pumping and bottle feeding within the first week. Since starting pumping I’m only able to produce 2oz for each pumping session (usually stay hooked up for 20 minutes or until I produce nothing) between both breasts. So it’s taking two pumping session just to get a bottle for my little guy. It’s been a month come Tuesday since I’ve had him and haven’t been able to increase my supply.

I’ve tried oatmeal, lactation tea, other lactation supplements/drink mixes, lactation cookies. I’ve tried the compression and massages and neither work. I was pumping every 3-4 hours - basically every time he ate. I bumped it up to every two hours and haven’t had results.

I’m super frustrated and am ready to just give up but I really don’t want to. Is there anything else I could be doing that I’m not? Or anything else I could try that has worked for you?