Potty training?



Has anyone started or considering starting potty training yet?

Internet recommends anywhere from 18 months so we're still 5 months early but I am so beyond fed up of being kicked and screamed at during nappy changes, I've already got him in the pull up pants but it hasn't helped much.

I figured I would try it and if it's a big no go from him I will just wait another couple months, am I crazy for trying?!

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Posted at
No. My 2.5 year old is still not potty trained. 😂😂😂 #momoftheyear
No. My 2.5 year old is still not potty trained. 😂😂😂 #momoftheyear


Posted at
Every kid is different. My first refused until she was 3yrs old. Then one day she didn’t want a diaper, went on the adult potty not the kid one, and never had a single accident still to this day (she’s almost 5). So we never potty trained her.... she purely decided and was 💯 all in with no accidents. It was so easy 😂 Bet it won’t be this time lol.


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My twins both poo poo on the pot every morning. We started about a month ago. After morning bottles we sit them on the pot and play like 5 minutes of nursery rhymes and they poop and pee pee on the pot.


Pen • Jan 19, 2021
Definitely good idea to get them comfortable on the potty and make it a pleasant experience- love that you take them off if they fuss


Sandra • Jan 19, 2021
I forgot to mention it but if they do fuss I take them right off but that has only happened a couple times. We make it a fun to sit on the potty.


Natalie • Jan 19, 2021
Oh wow, glad I'm not the only one doing/considering it. This is great to hear x


Posted at
Ive been wondering about it too and even considered trainers. I can tell when my son is taking a poop. So.. just plop him on the toilet? Can it hurt? Lol


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How we did with my oldest is we started trying right before she turned 2 (I wish I tried earlier. She was showing signs but with my December baby being so young I felt I didn’t have the time)She is now 2 and 4 months and she’s pretty good for the most part. I plan to go a little more hardcore after we move (moving within a month) and her communication is already so much better than it was in the beginning. I don’t regret starting young I think she didn’t fight me as hard as she would if I started now, and she understands the concept of it it’s just been a lack of consistency on our part for why she’s not 100% trained.


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Around 11 months my daughter started sitting on my husbands leg and peeing while the tub filled so he started sitting her on the potty while the tub was filling. Until the last week or two she has only peed on the potty a few times, but now she is doing it most nights. Last week I started sitting her on the potty when she gets up in the morning before getting dressed and she has peed a few times. Although the the past few days 3 times she has stood up then peed. We aren’t in a rush, just following her lead.


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We did with my oldest at 18 months old and that's the plan with my son too, but I personally don't think introducing them to the potty sooner will be harmful. Earlier potty training than 18 months will require a bit more work/effort from you, as a lot of it will be recognizing the signs that they need to go potty and taking them to the potty (look up elimination communication). By 18 months, your kid can at least walk fairly well, will fit better on the potty, and will generally be better coordinated and better at following instructions. And the plus side to doing it then - 18 month olds are SO MUCH MORE compliant and pleasant than a 2 year old who knows how to say "no!" and really assert themselves. I was so relieved we'd already done the potty training before we hit that stage. I personally think a lot of the "readiness signs" are bogus - my daughter didn't have any of the signs when we did it, and she still did a great job. It took about a week of no-pants potty training (for older kids these are generally known as "3-day" or weekend potty training methods). Also, it's completely normal for kids to pee in their sleep until age 4 or 5, so even if you manage day-training, don't panic about using diapers or pull ups at night. Once your kid wakes up dry consistently, you can switch to undies at night. My daughter was night-trained by 20 months old, but lots of kids are still peeing in the night at 4-5, which is fine.


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I started taking my daughter with me to the bathroom and sitting her on her potty at around 11 months. So far it’s usually just a morning routine sometimes we do it through out the day. We transitioned from diaper on to diaper off slowly and just letting her get comfortable!


Posted at
Haha my son is 3.5 (he’ll be 4 in may) and I am still struggling with potty training him. I don’t think I’m anywhere near ready to start my 13 months old daughter. Boy would I love to stop buying diapers and getting kicked too though. I’m praying my daughter is easier to potty train than my son. Because I’ve truly had it getting him trained.


Posted at
We’ve thought about it but haven’t tried yet


Natalie • Jan 19, 2021
It's just the constant fighting wears me out, good to see others are considering or doing it x