Potty Training


My 4 1/2 year old son just 100% started the potty training process a day ago and he’s doing fantastic. Pees in the potty every time and tells me he has to go but won’t poop in the potty. He wears pull-ups but knows he has to go in the potty. He’s very picky about certain things and the potty seat seems to be one of them now. He will not sit on a toilet without his potty seat on it. I never got too worried about it since we don’t really go anywhere due to covid but my fear is if we are on the road (we are moving to a new state late fall early winter this year) and when he starts school next fall, he’s going to refuse to go without his potty seat. How did you guys get your kiddos to get used to the regular potty? Did you take the potty seat places? And how did you guys get them to poop on the potty? Sorry, lots of questions but this is so new lol also, no judgement on his age please. We tried training earlier but he wasn’t ready.