So relieved

Brianna • 👼🏻💙🤰🏼(💙) ▪️ One tube ▪️ 26

We went in again yesterday to see if they could get the nasal bone photo they couldn’t get on Tuesday. My blood came back funny so with that and lack of the photo it came back as a 1 in 5 chance baby has a chromosomal abnormality.

They got the shot they needed and baby does have a nasal bone, so that brought our chances of an issue to 1 in 400. It sounds good but the doctor said that was still a high chance given our age, but that’s due to the blood test. Everything looked good on the scan, it’s just the blood test they’re a little concerned about.

The doctor is confident that there’s nothing wrong chromosomally and that my blood test means that it’ll probably be born small. I had the harmony test done just to confirm everything was all good and we’re waiting on that now, will also find out gender with it, so I can’t wait.

Anyone want to take gender guesses?