Does having a completely different pregnancy from the first have anything to do with gender ??

Hi mamas ! So I know every pregnancy is different but I was wondering if having a completely different pregnancy from the first have anything to do with gender. Tbh this pregnancy has been kicking my a** 😭 With my first pregnancy I was only nauseous in the mornings for the first 3 months then it went away when I hit the second trimester but this time I’m in the second trimester (15w5d) but I’m still throwing up and uncomfortably nauseous allll day and when I’m awake at night 😭 I been taking unisom, vitamin b6, and sipping cola syrup with crushed ice but none of it helps much. I also been extremely tired and barley have enough energy to do anything which makes mi so sad bc these are the last lil moments I’ll have with my daughter being the only child and I don’t even have enough energy to enjoy it with her 😭 With my first pregnancy my body started gettin sore around the third trimester but this time my back and feet have been killin mi and it already started about 3 weeks ago. Also with my first pregnancy I basically lived off watermelon and craved all fruit and sweet things but this time I crave sour things and all meats. I guess I’m also just wondering if anybody else been feeling any of these symptoms with their pregnancy’s too lol this is the first time I’ve had a really rough pregnancy. I pray we all have safe and healthy pregnancy’s/deliveries ❤️🙏