Vbac 18 months apart



I was just wondering if I wanted to attempt a vbac after csection 18 months between births, do they induce you or do you have to go into labour naturally for you to even try a vbac?

- I was induced at 37 weeks with my 1st baby for iugr and only dilated to 1cm and for that reason had csection,

This is really stressing me out and would love for you to share you experiences with me

Thanks in advance

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Posted at
I had failure to progress with my first, this baby will be 17/18 months from my last and my doctor won’t let me try it. I’d def talk to your doctor about your options.


Posted at
According to my OB 18 months is the minimum time between births to attempt a VBAC. Everyone is different so your doctor needs to assess your likelihood of success based on your history. Average success rate is 70% though!


Babbs ❤️ • Jan 22, 2021
If they schedule a csection then they are vbac tolerant and not vbac supportive. The vbac supportive providers wont schedule one


🌷Ashley • Jan 22, 2021
Oh sorry, I didn’t answer your question! I believe they still “schedule” a c-section but if you go into labour naturally first you can attempt vbac


Posted at
The calculators that they use to “estimate” you success rate are stupid and dont actually work. Overall, ive heard that 60-80% of moms with low transverse incisions, with only 1 csection history are likely to get their vbacs.As far as labor goes they always want you to go into labor on your own because inducing has its own risks and can increase the chance of an emergency csection. They are also limited on options on how to induce so they always want natural labor before induction. But induction is recommended by the ACOG before an elective repeat csection


Posted at
Your doctor might have a computer algorithm that will tell them the likelihood of a successful VBAC given the reasons for the first section and your health. My first section was due to breech, so I had a high likelihood of success (almost 80%). When I met with the doctor to sign the paperwork for a VBAC and discuss the risks, they told me they wouldn’t induce because it increases the risk of uterine rupture. They said if I stalled after going in to labor naturally, there were a couple options to help me along but they wouldn’t do anything that put uterine rupture risk above 1%. Other hospitals might be more willing to induce. I doctor at a high risk facility due to a blood disorder, so they deal with more complicated births and don’t want to add to the challenges already there.


Me • Jan 22, 2021
I believe there’s also a group on here for VBACs that would have lots of women with experiences.


Me • Jan 22, 2021
It probably depends somewhat on the dr. Mine did mention sometimes they’ll consider a foley bulb or something that‘a gradual if needed, but they don’t want to use pitocin and have the body go from 0 to 10 quicker than it’s ready to. I would think you could have an epidural. I don’t know why not. I ended up with a repeat scheduled section because of my blood disorder and the danger of a potential emergency surgery since baby was measuring so large. But lots of women have VBACs successfully :)


M • Jan 22, 2021
Oh okay I get that, so what happens if you’re past your due date and you don’t go into natural labour will it be automatic csection? Also do you know if you’re allowed to take an epidural while in labour (vbac)