Advice on friends, would you take a step back too?

I’ve had this best friend for 4 years now, she has a husband and happily married! They haven’t wanted kids for quite some time and her husband is especially no no on it for right now until they’re financially well and she has to fix her health as she’s diabetic. My SO and I didn’t start TTC until last year September time! She was always so supportive and letting me know my time WILL come, just believe! Which is honestly so amazing of her, she’s the best friend I could ask for. Well come January 2021, I found out I’m pregnant. She told me the usual congratulations and then didn’t talk to me for a few days, which is unlike her. I end up getting to see her and she broke down crying in my car telling me that my pregnancy is making her sad and it’s not fair because she wants a baby. Which going through the emotional ride of TTC I automatically held her and cried too, because I understand even if she’s not TTC. It has been about 2 weeks and she’s still off. She barely talks to me. If I mention my pregnancy she leaves me on read until the next day, I just stopped mentioning it all together. I had told her how I miss her talking to me and I wish she’d try more to talk with me and she apologized and said she’s going to work on it! Well she did for about a day and I finally felt comfortable to mention my pregnancy as I haven’t talked about it since our car incident, 2 weeks before. She gets very excited over her other friend being pregnant and talks about her a lot of the time. But yet again I’m left on read and replied to the next day and I get nothing back...I’m taking this as she doesn’t want this. So I’m distancing. My emotions can’t handle it. I love her but I think it’s for the best we separate for a few. I tried to hold back my pregnancy for weeks now, don’t tell her updates, I don’t tell her about my doctor appointment, I keep it to myself and my SO but I’m beginning to feel this is not fair. Would you feel the same and take a step back?

*I don’t mean “abandon” her I mean take a step back, take a break for a second let her breathe and me breathe. I’ve definitely been considerate of her feelings for quite some time now. So to who said I am the one creating problems, is wrong. I’ve been nothing but helpful. She doesn’t struggle with infertility and I had stopped all speak about pregnancy, as a friend you should be able to accept your other friends being pregnant and be happy. It’s not “shoving” it in anyone’s face if I am being respectful and not talking about it to her.

Thank you guys so much for your words of kindness, I’ve felt lost and so lonely. You guys make my feelings feel valid.