A new chapter


Today marks a new chapter in my life. I had my boyfriend of 6.5 years move out. It wasn't easy and I'm still not sure how I'm going to make it work as a single mom working odd and long hours at a full time job. I got tired of the bullshit.

The fight started because he allowed our 15 month old to play with a bucket that clearly had drywall dust in it. Enough that our son could have easily grabbed a handful and ate it. I was made to feel like I was over exaggerating because I got angry about it. However, we both have worked jobs that gave us training on the dangers of inhaling silica that is in the drywall. For him to act like it was no big deal floored me.

When I made it clear that he is leaving, he tried to take items that were not his. One of which is a car that I bought brand new a year ago. Because of this and other items I could not let him take, I was backed into a corner where I had to call the law. I didn't want to and it could have ended badly for both of us. However, I think that was how he thought he had me. He knows that I don't like involving police in something they don't need involved in. He knows I don't want to get him in trouble. So he tried to use it against me and didn't expect me to actually involve the police.

I feel guilty but I also feel relieved knowing that it is over.