About to pull my hair out

Okay so my 18 month old does not sleep without being rocked!!!! I am literally so fed up with it because it causes me nothing but anxiety leading up to bedtime.

I have tried to sleep train but she will scream so hard that she ends up coughing and will continue if I let her. I always end up going in and picking her up again because i feel so sad about it.

Plus my husband does not want to sleep train because he thinks its cruel and traumatic for her that could potentially be bad long term... but helloooo what about me?

Anyways I am 20 weeks pregnant and My feet ache!!! It takes 1 hour to put her to sleep!! Sometimes 1.5 hours of rocking. I honestly cant do it this way anymore. Ontop of that she will wake constantly through the night. I honestly dont know how to go about it anymore. Its taking a toll on me and im feeling so unhappy lately.

Please does anyone have any idea how i can get her to sleep without me having to help her do it 😔

I told my husband to do the rocking from today onwards because if he doesnt want to find a solution then he can rock her all through the night until she learns to sleep herself becAuse i cant handle it. It causes so much anger and rage when bed time comes along, i have to leave her in her cot and walk out the room. I feel like its affecting mine and my daughters relationship because she can sense it. Aghhh its so hard.