Birth center birth story!


Eeek! Finally my turn!

My labor started Sunday 1/24 I was 40+3. I started tracking my contractions and notified the midwife on call, when they got 3 min apart she told us to go ahead and come in. Devastatingly we found I was only 2cm dilated so she sent me home to labor more, about 5 hours later my husband called her again because my contractions weren’t letting up, no break in between and I was convinced something was wrong. Back at the center she had me labor in the tub and checked me again, still only 2cm. She could tell I was in pain and gave me some herbs to slow contractions down - it didn’t work so she sent me over to the hospital for a shot of morphine. That worked for about 4-5 hours to slow the contractions.

It turns out I was having true prodromal labor - my body was doing all the labor things minus the hormones so I wasn’t dilating.

Once the contractions started to pick back up and I was hitting the excruciating point again I called the other midwife on call and she had me come in right away. She realized baby had turned and was sitting in my back sunny side up. She had me circuit through some tough techniques to position baby right, que 12 more hours of labor. I pushed on the birthing stool for about 3 hours Until baby girl was crowning and my team all but threw me on the bed to finish pushing

**stop here for trigger warning/traumatic details**

My midwife realized the cord was around her neck and needed to make room, she couldn’t get the scissors in and had to rip me to get the baby out. They put her on my chest and told me to tell her I loved her and immediately moved her back between my legs to start cpr. The shock of the cord and the tight squeeze at the last second shocked her and her stats dropped. It took them a minute and she started breathing on her own ❤️

Baby girl was born 1/26/21

8lbs 5oz


52 hours of labor

2nd degree tear

Vaginal/Unmedicated birth

Please any questions I would be happy to answer!!