Weird cycles


I seriously need some help. Rewind to September 2019, I had been confirmed twice with pcos from 2 different doctors. I was put on a mixture of letrozole, clomid, and progesterone for the next 6 months until March 2020. The medicine helped me regulate my cycles but I didn’t conceive. Due to covid, my regular gynecologist visits were put on hold and I decided to take a break from all of the medicine. In May I got engaged and we decided we didn’t want a little baby at our wedding nor did we want to be pregnant for the wedding so all “trying” then ceased. When I stopped the medicine in March, my then regular periods stopped as well. From April 2020 til October 2020 I had no period. Then this craziness happened.

And I spotted January 28 2021 for a few hours. Someone please help me understand what may be happening and why I’m spotting again even though I supposedly just ovulated and have 11 days til my period