Prolactinemia and TTC??

New here! 🙋 Been trying to concieve my third and have had a few health issues. I have a few different autoimmune diseases they can be like Lay's Chips you can't have just one, either way I also recently found out I had crazy high prolactin levels for which I had to have an MRI which thankfully showed no signs of a tumor, it has however been the cause of my oligomenorrhea. I had extremely irregular cycles 122 days +. I'm getting all that worked out now and wondering if anyone else has dealt with elevated prolactin levels, how long it took you to concieve, and did it affect your OPKs? I have yet to get a positive but I'm getting EWCM and have for the past 3 days?? Just extremely confused and any help would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the book and Thanks in advance 💕💕🎇🎇✌