Call my doctor or take a pregnancy test?

I stopped birth control at the end of December and just had a crazy light period. But I’ve apparently started lactating or leaking from my breasts 🤨 (not sure what to call it 🤣 just reminds me of when I leaked during pregnancy).

When I got off birth control the first time this never happened, I was also unable to breastfeed our baby if it matters (due to her intolerance of it so it’s definitely not left over from that, though I was an over producer but it’s been like 6m since I dried up).

I’m kind of at a loss on what to do, is this normal or not. Has anyone experienced this? Should I call my doc or take a pregnancy test? 🧐 should I even worry about it? I’ve looked on Google and some things say it can happen and others never mention it, I found one person asking if it happened to anyone else but they had it occur after stopping bc every time, but they had also never been pregnant.