I dont know what to do


Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost 3 1/2 years. We lived together for 3 months before we were together even a year and now we are living at our seperate parents almost 2 hours away from eachother. We have looked for places together and when we got to actually getting an apartment he would change his mind and say we can move in together after A happens or after B happens and then when A or B happens we would start looking again then then same thing would happen, not until C happens or D happens. Now present day he is always telling me how he wishes we lived together, how he would love to live together and when I bring up living together he gets upset and says he's not ready and that he might be ready in 6 months or however long. I love him and want to move forward but it feels like he doesn't and that he just wants to be living at his moms forever. I dont know what to do. Is it overreacting to be upset about this?