I feel terrible

I’m really not sure wtf is goin on w my body i just switched bc and I’m not pregnant (I’m a virgin and have negative tests in case me fooling around messed me up) but my body is killing me I was on junel 1/20 for almost 4 months and had terrible acid reflux and heartburn and chest pains anxiety and i always have a lump in my throat i hope i don’t have a blood clot I’m debating if i should just stop my bc but i don’t want to risk pregnancy if i start having sex and i was depressed on my periods before this but now I’m not i literally had a break down at my gyn yesterday cause i just don’t know what’s going on i got switched to a new bc lo loestrin and I’m on day 2 I’m trying not to freak out because it won’t help anything I’m feeling but i really don’t know i don’t wanna stop it and throw my body off again