Miscarriage signs..... please help


Hi, so this morning approximately 13 hours ago, I went to the e.r because I woke up to some light bleeding when I wipe, it was more than a spot. Light red/pink. Went to the e.r they checked my cervix said it was closed, no blood in there. Did an ultrasound, saw that my baby heart beat was good 156 bpm, and my hcg levels are 176,000 . I’m 6 weeks 5 days pregnant.

Here i am now, hours later home & im starting to feel cramps, they are quite painful & I have light brown bleeding when I wipe.. nothing crazy. Bout the size of a quarter on the tissue paper.

I’m not sure if I should be worried... my baby was just good on the ultrasound but could this be the beginning of a miscarriage??