Braxton hicks ☹☹

Jade • Expecting Baby Rylee 🎀 March 22nd
I'm 23.5 weeks and I am having horrible Braxton hicks. Everytime I pee, everytime I get up from laying down, just all the time. And I feel the pressure so intensely and in my back if hurts. My mom told me not to pump my milk because I'll go into labor. But I do squeeze my nipples sometimes to get some milk out and see what it looks like. Is it possible I might go into early labor? I'm not bleeding. No mucus plug. I just feel that it shouldn't be this painful. Also my puppy is about 30 pounds and he's unaware of my pregnancy and is so rough. He jumps on me and sits in my stomach and steps and jumps off my stomach also. So idk if that contributes. Any advice helps 🙏🏼🙏🏼