Red Flags


My son is almost 13 months old. He responds to his name like 50% of the time (if even). Has been babbling since around 8 months and still has no words/doesn’t seem communicative at all still (he will reach for me and husband, toys he wants, food, etc though). His babbling has seemed to decrease a little and now he makes these groaning noises and yells in addition to the babbling. He sometimes turns himself in circles on his butt while holding a toy. He scratches all his toys or something new he’s looking at. He has been cruising for about 3 months and still has no interest in walking alone. He plays with toys but not really the way they should be. He has pretty great eye contact, loves to smile and laugh. Was always a great sleeper until recently. Eats like a champ. Loves when we hold him but doesn’t love to sit still let’s say on the couch with us. Wants to be held or picked up while we’re standing. Can any of this just be delays or are there too many red flags for it to be anything but autism? Has anyone experienced similar things or had concerns like this?