Hi everyone - need opinions please

Jess • 👼🏻👼🏻 + 🤱🏼🌈 + 🤰🏼#2

My girl is 1. A few months after she was born I got a very faint line / squinter followed by

Negatives. I was doing bloodwork anyways so I asked them to check what my hcg was. My non pregnant hcg level was 3.

Fast forward to now, I’m 2 days late. I tested with like third urine of the day (top test) waited an hour took another (stark white) then around 5 with a 3 hour hold did the bottom test.

They look pink but I’m not sure if they’re true positives. They both showed around 5 min, one maybe a little after but definitely under 10 min.

Could this be my baseline hcg of 3 showing ?

Or does it look like maybe it got a smidge darker?

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