PGT - have 3 hours to decide

LB • 👸🏼 2010 👼🏼 12/2017 👼🏼 3/2019 👼🏼 10/2020 👼🏼 3/2022 🧫🧪IVF Round 3 - 5/2022 Chasing our 🌈✨

As of this morning, we are down to 2 embryos. One is a day 5 that hasn’t quite made it to blast (we will know in a few hours) and the other is a day 4, which we haven’t gotten an update on since day 2 and won’t know until tomorrow if it made it to blast. But the last update we got on it was good, so hopefully we will end up with 2 blasts.

We went into this planning on doing PGT due to recurrent loss, but we also expected to get way more embryos out of it. Now that we are down to 1 or 2, we’re reconsidering. We have to make a decision in a few hours when the lab calls back to let us know if our day 5 made it to blast. We’re 50/50 and just need to hear some perspective from others who have been through this. I 100% understand that this is such a personal decision, but I really am asking for input and opinions on this.

I’m 31, have had a miscarriage, ectopic, and chemical. But also have a 10 year old (different dad) and am otherwise very healthy. The 2 most recent losses were explained during this process when they found severe endo during my retrieval. The embryologist does not think we need PGT based on our age, but my doctor is still leaning towards doing it. Total cost would be $2,700. And keep in mind, we will have to return to Barbados for transfers so we are considering the cost for that as well.

Give me all the thoughts on this! Totally open minded to hearing every perspective possible. My mind is in a million different places right now so hearing from others will be SO helpful!