PGT - have 3 hours to decide

LB • 👸🏼 2010 👼🏼 12/2017 👼🏼 3/2019 👼🏼 10/2020 👼🏼 3/2022 🧫🧪IVF Round 3 - 5/2022 Chasing our 🌈✨

As of this morning, we are down to 2 embryos. One is a day 5 that hasn’t quite made it to blast (we will know in a few hours) and the other is a day 4, which we haven’t gotten an update on since day 2 and won’t know until tomorrow if it made it to blast. But the last update we got on it was good, so hopefully we will end up with 2 blasts.

We went into this planning on doing PGT due to recurrent loss, but we also expected to get way more embryos out of it. Now that we are down to 1 or 2, we’re reconsidering. We have to make a decision in a few hours when the lab calls back to let us know if our day 5 made it to blast. We’re 50/50 and just need to hear some perspective from others who have been through this. I 100% understand that this is such a personal decision, but I really am asking for input and opinions on this.

I’m 31, have had a miscarriage, ectopic, and chemical. But also have a 10 year old (different dad) and am otherwise very healthy. The 2 most recent losses were explained during this process when they found severe endo during my retrieval. The embryologist does not think we need PGT based on our age, but my doctor is still leaning towards doing it. Total cost would be $2,700. And keep in mind, we will have to return to Barbados for transfers so we are considering the cost for that as well.

Give me all the thoughts on this! Totally open minded to hearing every perspective possible. My mind is in a million different places right now so hearing from others will be SO helpful!

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Posted at
I would just transfer the two


Ma • Feb 1, 2021
I agree as well!


B • Feb 1, 2021
10000% agreed


Posted at
Did you remove endometriosis ..? I am afraid inflammation from endometriosis would not allow the embryos to implant ? If you removed the endo or took some meds like lupron to calm endo down then transfer both embryos. I think it is better to remove endo or go on lupron for 3 months then go back to transfer the two untested embryos to increase your success chance I know it is hard and more money but I am assuming better than going into another retrieval? And at 31 I think your chance of having normally embryos is high. Good luck


Serenity • Feb 2, 2021
I am so sorry the other one didn’t make it. . Hopefully the one is healthy and normal 🙏🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


LB • Feb 1, 2021
Thank you. We found out that it did not make it to blast today. Down to one hopeful now. 😔


Serenity • Feb 1, 2021
Good luck.


Posted at
Same as fearless said, dont test them ,just transfer both


Posted at
I think I would transfer both of them and pray for the best outcome. I haven’t got rational explanation for it, it’s just my gut feeling I suppose. Regardless of what you decide to do I’ll be praying for you and keeping everything crossed for you to get your miracle baby/babies. Sending you all my love ❤️❤️❤️


Posted at
I would test them. I know there’s the chance you could lose one or both, but if not testing you’d have the chance of losing them both as well, plus would be spending more money on one or two transfers (depending on if you transferred one or two). I personally would rather have a peace of mind knowing they’ve been tested and hoping that could’ve the reason why others did not take. Also, if you decided not to test, I agree with others on transferring both. Looking at it from a financial perspective, it would be more cost effective. I know none of this helps as you all have to make that decision yourselves. Just make sure you make the decision based on what you two believe to be the best. Sending you lots of prayers and positive vibes to help with making this difficult decision ❤️🙏


Posted at
Update: it didn’t make it to blast today 😔


Cheyanne • Feb 2, 2021
I’m so sorry! I follow you here and on TikTok. I can relate to you as I was expected to have way more embryos, my doctor messed up royally with my stim doses and it only resulted in 5 eggs and 2 embryos (we lost a third on day 5 of transfer and I begged him to transfer that one and the high grade one and he refused, we ended up losing it, I was so angry). I’m 26 with 4 early losses and unexplained secondary infertility, we have absolutely nothing “abnormal” about us. Our fresh transfer in December resulted in our 4th chemical. We have one embryo left and it’s hard knowing we spent so much and didn’t get what we expected. We didn’t test the embryos because we are young and because we only had 2. Goodluck I hope your embryo sticks🤞🏽🤞🏽


Posted at
I wouldn't test. I didn't, actually, since I only had one. It's not an advice though, it's an opinion. I had my one transfer done today, so I can relate. Will keep you in my thoughts and hope God will get us through this and allow us to hold our babies soon.