Probably being petty, but...

I had my sweet girl 5 days ago. I also have a 22 month old. My mom was here for a couple days, and my sister has been here since the 24th and will be here until the 6th.

My sister has been so helpful, she has cooked every meal, and I know she and my mom worked hard taking care of the house and my toddler while I was in the hospital.

My husband has been working nonstop up until baby came and is still finishing house projects while we have the extra help around.

I am grateful. I am. But WHY ON EARTH am I the only one awake at 9AM? I have been up all night the past 3 nights with a cluster feeding newborn. I haven’t gotten more than 4 hours of sleep, and no one has once offered me a nap. The ONE time I voiced I was struggling caring for both kiddos alone at bedtime, my husband told me to, “deal with it.”

I’m so freaking tired. 😩

I want to add, my husband sneaks off for naps! I know I wake him when the baby is nursing at night, but I’m the one physically having to nurse her. Why is he sneaking off for 2-3 hour naps during the day? Same with my sister! I don’t want to run her ragged or make her miserable, but she keeps napping and playing video games for hours at a time. 🤦‍♀️