Samantha • Childhood cancer survivor. 2 cp. rainbow baby girl born Dec 20th 2021

ok rant.

I was born with neurofibromatosis 1 so every year since I was two I had mris of my brain and spine to make sure I didn’t have any fibroids in bad places or the ones I have were not growing. It also puts you at high risk for breast cancer so I have started getting yearly and now every 6 months MRI for that. I had leukemia when I was 15 and livedin the hospital for 8 months getting chemo. My fiancé and I have been trying to have a baby and I recently had a chemical pregnancy and the beginning of January.

I just want something health wise regarding my body to come somewhat easy for me !

I know I’m just focusing on the negative but I’m usually a very positive person but I’m just feeling down

I’m sorry if this isn’t the place for this just needed somewhere to rant

Sending baby dust to all you beautiful people ❇️