young and scared

i’m 21 years old and just found out i’m pregnant. i’ve always wanted to be a mom but was not intending to start at this age. my dad is a pastor and i’m terrified to tell him, my extended family will be even worse I financially support myself but moved back home this past year. i cannot afford to live with a baby on my own, and my boyfriend and i would prefer to live with one of our parent’s in order to save for the baby. i’m terrified and my boyfriend is being supportive but he’s just as scared as I am and neither of us really know what to do. does anyone have any advice on how to tell parents about an unplanned pregnancy? does anyone know if my parents hating me is worth becoming a parent myself? i am so confused because as much as i am grieving the loss of my twenties, i know that the right thing to do is have this baby. i’m just so so scared, i’m afraid i’ve ruined my life and the way my parents view me.