POST ABORTION should I be worried that it’s been almost 2 months and I’m still bleeding?

I’ve been scrolling through some of the post abortion posts so far and I’ve gathered that most women experience bleeding after some for a few days and some for a couple of weeks. I had my in clinic surgical abortion Dec 5, it’s Feb 2 now. Almost 2 months later and I’m still bleeding. I started bleeding approximately 3 days after, which seemed like a normal cycle, now I’m not so sure. My bleeding has been very spontaneous. Can be spotting one day, heavy the next. The bleeding stopped once for about a week but that was but once it started back it seemed like another period that was a little heavier and longer than usual. A little less than 2 weeks ago I passed a very large blood clot. I was only 6 weeks and 5 days when I had my in clinic abortion. I’m assuming there may have been an incomplete abortion but idk.

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