Vent- lack of common sense

I’m sure other mamas go through this so I just need to vent a little. We did well wishes for our first born and I’m due with my second within the next week or two and had everyone do one for her as well! My husband and I both have brown eyes, I have darker coloring my husband has lighter coloring. Our first came out with beautiful blue eyes- both of our sisters and parents have blue eyes so it’s not wild for this to happen. But I didn’t think much of it as I look at the beauty of someone’s eyes more when they smile then anything else. Anyways, the well wishes for baby #2 everyone is wishing physical characteristics on her which I find uncomfortable. It’s not something anyone can control and I don’t want her to read these years later seeing people say they wish she would get her sisters beautiful eye color when the odds are she won’t and she’ll be beautiful with whatever she is blessed with. It’s also been a little insulting to me as I am a mixed baby myself and though I know no one means it this way they are hoping she doesn’t get my Asian attributes. It’s a very strange feeling. People are wishing my husbands eye shape for her? I think that’s flawed because if she were to read these later and didn’t have what everyone wished for her physically I would hate to build an insecurity around that. It’s a bummer because I love the idea but I think I just need to dump them. If it were just a few I’d ignore it but it’s almost every single one (basically minus me, my best friend, and my husband). Someone also commented on the name we picked and said “I hope she has blue eyes like her sister. That name sounds like it goes best with blue eyes”. WTF man sure blue eyes are beautiful, but so are other eyes and it’s more about how it fits you as a person. Yes I’ve heard this myself in the past but never thought twice because it’s not an insecurity I have. But now that it’s directed at my baby it really irks me