Friends son is aggressive


So I have a friend, we've been friends since high school so about 10 years, we didn't get super close until we had our kids 6 months apart, her son is 6 months older than my daughter. We have met weekly for most of their lives in order for us to to be social instead of staying home. We have kept the same precautions during Covid so we kept meeting. Her son has always been a little aggressive but the last couple months have been awful.

Her son will hit my daughter for just walking by him. Sometimes when she takes a toy, which I make her give back, and so on. She recently started saying "Adrian hit" so I talked to my friend about how we can handle it because I don't want my daughter thinking it's okay to be hit. So she said she'd pull him away (which she should have been doing any way but she would just sit there and tell him no.) And it worked for a bit this morning and then he bit my daughter, hard enough it's still purple hours later. I am done. My daughter doesn't deserve that and obviously it isn't working. There are other issues with sharing and how she goes about it that I don't like, but I'm sad that we both will lose friends but my daughter comes first.

If you made it this far thank you, just needed to get this off my chest ❤️