
We've been TTC for 3 years now, We've done all the testing and HSG, laparascopy work ups, the temping, the tracking, the "breaks" from temping and tracking, supplements, the whole shebang with no luck. During that time I quit my full-time job to work part-time and finish my undergrad so I can start grad school. I had been thinking "okay maybe this is how it's supposed to happen, ill finish this first" so since I've been back in school, we've just been BD like normal without tracking and if it happens it happens. Well today was a followup with my OB and they have referred me to an in-vitro specialist to talk about my options and time lines. The primary concern is I may not have the opportunity to wait another 4-5 years when these last 3 have been a struggle. So I'm currently feeling very overwhelmed and conflicted, like I'm going to have to be rushed into making a decision when I had just finally forced myself into understanding and accepting that it probably wasn't going to happen. I'm uncertain if I'm feeling this way because I had just guarded myself so much for fear of more let downs, or if I've really just let the desire for a biological child go? Has anyone else felt this way? How did you navigate all the emotions that come with this? I want desperately to be excited at the thought of moving forward but now being back in school and a change in income, I'm just uncertain. Thank you so much for reading this far!