
Sandi • Boy mom x3 💙💛

So as I’ve stated before, my high risk dr told me yesterday that my blood test results showed a 75% chance of downs. He didn’t fully explain it and when I called back today for a more detailed report of it, his nurse told me that they do not have it and I would have to contact my obgyn since she is the one who requested the test. Well I’ve called and called and left voicemails and I still have not gotten a call back when she specifically told me at my last visit that she’d call me first thing when I got my results. Another thing is, when I check the myriad counsyl website to see the status of my test, it still says that my results are being evaluated by a clinician and I will have my results soon. But still, NOTHING. I’m trying my best to be patient. But I would’ve imagine that she’d call me like she said she would and explain it fully to me or at least send them to me. Am I overthinking it or does it sound like these ppl don’t got their sh** together 🙄