Given up.


My beautiful daughter is one month shy of her 6th birthday. My husband & I have been trying for three years now. I have had three miscarriages & countless chemicals. My last miscarriage at 11wks was in January & has taken its toll. We spoke to a specialist who said there was no issue with conception just maintaining pregnancy. So we got to get pregnant again. We have been tryin since June & ive done it all. Full range of vits & supplements, guided imagery, crystal therapy, reflexology, acupuncture, bbt, spiritual healing, FAM......the list goes on.

Part of me dies every month. Im now thinking wtf should I carry on with blind hope? This is it for me. My little girl. Im stupid to think that I will cope with another baby. Maybe this is just how it is supposed to be.

I dont think I can do it any more. Life is beautiful & maybe I need to appreciate what I have more fully.