August 28th Due Date/Sonó what do you think boy or girl?

Jeaneth • Mother of 3 Kings: Jaden (16) Jarome (13) Jaison (9) Step Mother to a princess Jacqueline (3) and awaiting the arrival of the newest Princess 👸 to bless the family!!

We are expecting our newest & most likely last bundle of joy this year in August! Since this is my 4th C-Section I will obviously be scheduling it 1 to 1 1/2 weeks prior BUT would still love some buddies due on the same day as I to compare, chat, share in our journey & excitement!!

We had a rough start. (ER Dr. told us we were miscarrying a Non-Viable pregnancy at 6wks2days due to a negligent sonographer doing the incorrect sonó (on belly instead of Transvaginal) and the bleeding associated with it that lasted 2 weeks (passing 2 large blood clots) after the ultrasound! But after living in misery for about a week & expecting the worst .... We got new scans at 9wks 4dys (since bleeding stopped and belly is growing) and we saw baby & heard ❤️ beat (169bpm) My Fiance & I have a 3 year old Baby girl (step mother too) & 3 boys, 15,12, and 8 (from a previous relationship) & are just so happy to be blessed with a beautiful little creation of our own!