Things are happening!

Kasia • Happy momma to two perfect little boys 💙 M. 22/08/19 💕 M. 01/03/21 TTC for baby #3 ✨

I have a feeling we will meet our little guy early just like my mom predicted at the very beginning of this pregnancy! 💙We’re 36w2d today baby boys due date is technically March 1st!

Yesterday I found out I’m 2 cm dilated already and today I lost my mucus plug. With my first I was in labor 3 days after. Ive been having pretty strong contractions for a while but not consistent yet. My doctor says he’s big healthy around 7 lbs and definitely ready to come! It’s all a bit unexpected as I went 40 weeks with my first boy so I guess I should go and pack my hospital bag like NOW.. 😅 So excited! 💙