Low Progesterone

I’ve been trying for 2 years for baby #2 with no luck (after very easily getting pregnant with my first). I’ve been getting bloodwork done each month since July to see what’s going on and my doctor said everything was 100% normal except that I wasn’t ovulating on my own. So he put me on Clomid and I’m now on my third round. First round failed and the 2nd round I got pregnant but unfortunately miscarried soon after. Well, I went back to look at my bloodwork and my progesterone levels (on day 21) for the past 3 months were .3, .5, and .8! So my question is... Is that normal?! Or should I request to be put on Progesterone supplements? I plan on asking my doctor when I can but I am currently in transition between doctors, as I am not happy with the one I’m with. Thanks in advance!