Refusing to daytime nap 😴


Hey guys,

My little one is 5 months old. She has never been a great day sleeper, but is fighting naps more than ever now.

She rarely gets cranky, but I know she’s over tired as she gets frantic with her arms when I’m feeding her in the evening, and is waking up a lot more often throughout the night again.

She is a fussy bub who won’t take a bottle or a dummy, so any short naps we do get are when she falls asleep on the boob. I’m scared that it seems to be the only way she gets any rest and I can’t rely on that to put her to bed once she gets her teeth.

I’ve tried white noise, rocking her, and tried putting the blinds down. Yesterday i rocked her for 40 minutes to get her to sleep, only to receive a 20 minute nap afterwards. Going a bit crazy..! Any help appreciated.