My hubby thinks we should move my mom out

My mom lives with us and I jad a baby a few months ago and everything has been hell. My mom would normally pick on me a lot through out my life. But after we had a baby it has been so much worse. If any of you remember ny post about my son having colic. He would cry non stop and one day he was quiet. He just wanted to breastfeed and sleep. He was breastfeeding and I had American dad on while he was trying to sleep. Me and my husband were laying on the bed. Mom busts in saying how much of a terrible perverted mom I am for playing that around my baby. She woke him up and he starts crying and then I start crying. My husband then starts arguing with my mom because for once out son wasn't crying and just sleepy and now he's crying again. Its been like this a lot. Every day out of her mouth is that I'm a terrible mom and I should have my baby taken away or that I do everything wrong. She will be over my shoulder not trying to help. Just telling me how awful I am. Qhen he's crying she says there's no such thing as colic and I'm just a bad mom not doing anything right and thats why he's crying. When my period just came back my milk supply dropped to almost nothing so I gave him formula and she told me how awful I am for that. Shes in my ear saying how much my baby is gonna hate me when I get older. I've gotten horrible postpartum depression and my husband has been taking care of our baby and my mom isn't in bis ear as much. Its because she knows it doesn't get to him. My husband will tell her to fuck off and go on with himself. But with my postpartum and just feeling terrible I end up crying everyday. My husband told me today that my mom needs to leave. He said he's tired of her constantly putting me down and always having something negative to say and not respecting boundaries. She has no boundaries and is always bursting into our room. We tried to have sex for the first time and she bursts in. Our baby was asleep but she says how terrible we are that we rather have sex than take care of our baby. I dont want to be the daughter that just puts her mom out.... I'm just so tired of being put down. I even tried to explain my postpartum to her and she said I'm just a weak mother.... My husband says if I won't kick her out, he will because he's sick of it and she's destroying my mental health. I cried and he kissed me saying I'm a great mother. Its all been so hard. And I feel so helpless. Will I be a terrible daughter to put my mom out? I don't want to be awful. I just hate dealing with these emotions and on top of that nothing I do ever being good enough 😢😢😢😢